Winter Program

The winter program provides the boys with the opportunity to become familiar with the Berwick philosophy. It is from the competitive winter program that boys are selected to go to Maine for the summer.

All new boys are encouraged to attend a series of meetings to become acquainted with the subjects and skills applicable to island life in the summer. Winter weekends encompass a number of activities, including building a haunted house, selling of Christmas trees, first aid lessons, boating safety lessons, and preparing for the coming summer. Alternate arrangements can be made for out of state residents.

This weekend winter program also maintains the boys’ involvement throughout the year so that they may continue applying the values and skills they have learned throughout the summer.

Each boys is asked to earn fifty dollars during the winter to contribute to their summer program. In this way, each boy feels that he is contributing financially to help the program. No one can “pay to send his boy” to Berwick; boys are chosen on the basis of sincerity and interest in the program.

The operation is financed by contributions from interested people, such as you. Gifts, large or small, help to send boys to camp or college. Parents are asked to contribute as they can. Balancing a budget for forty or fifty boys is always a most difficult task and it is people such as you who help to make the program possible.